Utkarsha Yoga

Terms & Conditions

Utkarshayoga & Co. founded by Utkarsha Mall is a Registered company constituted to help people experience more peace, optimum health, and happier states of mind in and outside of India.

  1. I am participating in this “UTKARSHA YOGA” program in my own interest and take full responsibility for my participation.
  2. I will not engage in any activity which is not befitting or is derogatory to the manners/conduct expected in the program, thus abiding by the company rules as well.
  3. I release UTKARSHA YOGA all organizers and assistants from all damages whatsoever and waive all rights to compensation in case of injury or loss of any kind.
  4. I waive my right to compensation in case of any injury.
  5. I declare that I am physically and mentally able to participate in this program.
  6. I will not teach or disclose any content or technique of the program unless UTKARSHA MALL has fully personally trained me.
  7. Once I have registered for a program or event, I understand that contributions are not refundable and registrations are non transferable.
  8. I would like to be updated with upcoming programs and receive promotional content through my contact information and social media accounts.


Age restrictions

If you are 16 years and above, then you are eligible to book and attend any of our courses and sessions. Those aged 16 years and below need to provide parent’s/ legal guardian’s consent to avail our services.

Participant guidelines

  1. All participants must ensure that they have acquired the materials required which will be communicated to the participants before the course or session begins.
  2. Please arrive or connect online for the course or session 15 minutes prior to the start time.
  3. Members are requested to dress appropriately to the courses and sessions.
  4. By registering for a course or booking a session you automatically agree to the Terms and Conditions.
  5. The company has the right to refuse services to any individual or participant at any point in time without the need to provide a reason for it.

Disputes Resolution

If You have any concerns or disputes about the Service, You agree to first try to resolve the dispute informally by contacting the Company.

Translation interpretation

These terms and conditions may have been translated if we have made them available to you on our service. You agree that the original English text shall prevail in the case of a dispute.